Care By Professionals You Can Trust

General Eye Exam
At Franklin Square Eye Care we provide comprehensive eye exam for your whole family. Routine eye exams are crucial in maintaining good eye health, as it provides early detection and prevention of many eye and health conditions. American Optometric Association recommends yearly or bi-yearly eye exams depending on your risk factors. We are diligent in sending timely reminders through text messages or emails for you to keep up with your routine appointments. Please call us at (516)354-4242 to schedule your comprehensive eye exam.

Contact Lens Evaluation
During the eye exam, Dr. George will also discuss the possibility of contact lens option, if the patient is interested. She will discuss the type of contact lenses available to best fit your need and lifestyle. She will take into consideration any conditions you may have such as, dry eyes, eye related allergies, or recurrent eye conditions. These may affect the success of the contact lens fitting.
Based on the findings from the vision exam, Dr. George will make her recommendations that will best address your visual need. She will also discuss how often the lenses needs to be disposed and how to clean the lenses well between uses. She will recommend the contact solutions to be used as well as hygiene. Specialized contact lenses, such as multifocals, toric lenses and rigid gas permeable lenses, are also available for patients with special eye conditions. Call us at 516-354-4242 if you are interested in learning if contact lenses are a good fit for you.

Jason George, our Optician is known to be knowledgeable about the latest and premium products to best suit your need. Our optical provides a full display of frames ranging from standard to designer to accommodate everyone that enters our door. Jason will make recommendations on the type of ophthalmic lenses you will need, coatings and lens treatments that you will benefit from. We dispense a variety of lenses such as single vision, bifocals, and progressive lenses. We look forward to dispensing the best pair of glasses that you’ve ever owned.